Your Summer Golf Tournament

Summer is officially upon us, and in a way, it feels like a summer we’ve never experienced before. As more and more Americans become vaccinated, and our country slowly but surely begins to reopen, we finally have the opportunity to be reunited (safely) with our loved ones!
That deserves a little fun and celebration, don’t you think?
We certainly do. In fact, we have the PERFECT activity for you -Hosting Your Own Golf Tournament!
Whether it be with a golfing club, a group of friends, neighbors, family, or even just a way to create a little healthy competition with a local golf course, golf tournaments are the EVENT of Summer 2021.
Need help creating yours? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Hole in One Contest: 
    This is a top-notch competition after all, right? Bring your A Game to this tournament by either scoring a hole in one on a designated hole, or by being the first to do so! The heat is on.
  2. Best Score, Best Player: 
    Everyone knows, the person with the lowest score is the technical winner, but we say they are also the best player! Disagree? Play to win! Prove ‘em wrong.
  3. Golf Superlatives: 
    C’mon, how long has it been since you’ve had your high school superlatives? Bring them back old school style with a little golf twist. As the host you can create predetermined superlatives. Then, after the tournament is complete, appoint them to the most suitable players. Examples include: Best Comeback, Best Put, Best Score, Best Jokes, etc.

 Whoever wins is to be seen, but we all know one thing to be true - you can’t have a tournament without awards!

Lachman & Co offers beautiful traditional and non-traditional trophy and award options to choose from. Learn more about your options here or check out some of our favorites below:

Golf Sports Award

Traditional Trophy

Glass Work of Art - Golf

Perpetual Trophy